Holidays-Missing Loved Ones

I have always loved Holidays! A day off of work to spend with family, is how we always spent our holidays! Usually eating, talking and laughing… a lot 🤭 😊🤣and just being together! I really gave a great family that we love to spend time with! But since my dad passed away, I kind ofContinueContinue reading “Holidays-Missing Loved Ones”

“Panic Bag” – Our life with Anxiety

My oldest daughter, has  an anxiety disorder (Conversion Disorder) and last summer it was at an all time high and we were really struggling (happy to report she is doing much better)!  Last year when we learned about it, SHE came up with this idea to create a “Panic Bag” (ideas posted to bottom of thisContinueContinue reading ““Panic Bag” – Our life with Anxiety”


This week my family and I spent the week with my mom at her place in Florida. My dad and her bought it October 2016 and December 2016 he was diagnosed with Melanoma…and they never went back. They spent one month down their together and this was my moms first time back. They had workedContinueContinue reading “Visiting…”

Toby Mac!!!!

This weekend, my girls and I went to a Toby Mac concert! When I bought these tickets in December, my oldest Addison (with the anxiety disorder) was pretty unstable and I was truly unsure if she’d be able to go. She has increased anxiety around crowds and my fear was her having an anxiety attackContinueContinue reading “Toby Mac!!!!”

Speech from the Celebration of Life service for my Dad

“Hi everyone, I’m Christy, I’m the baby of the family. First of all, we want to thank everyone for the overwhelming support over the last year since he’s been diagnosed; it’s been rough! Lots of ups and downs and more than once we thought we were going to lose him and he just kept fighting!ContinueContinue reading “Speech from the Celebration of Life service for my Dad”

“see you later”

This weekend my father went home to his Heavenly Father! He had a year long battle with Melanoma and fought every day, every minute to beat it! He was such a strong, loving, faithful father, husband, grandfather, brother and friend. We love you dad and will miss you more than you will ever know! ThankContinueContinue reading ““see you later””

Back and Forth

I continue to struggle with what’s going on in my life, with my daughters anxiety skyrocketing and fathers cancer slowly taking over his body- I go back and forth about what to feel worse about; my daughters mental health breakdown or fathers future?! 😥 I try and think “find something positive” I always find theContinueContinue reading “Back and Forth”

Yes, I do have a lot to be thankful for but…

So our family has had a rough couple weeks, well months actually! With my dads cancer diagnosis just seems to be more bad news all the time and our oldest daughter’s anxiety has reached a high and has complicated every aspect of our lives! It is so hard to see the ones closest to us suffer!ContinueContinue reading “Yes, I do have a lot to be thankful for but…”

Let them go

This is a picture of my daughter long-boarding this weekend – yes, it made me oh so nervous and I wanted to wrap her up in bubble wrap to protect her! But she wanted to be like her big sister and give it try, why would I discourage her from trying something new? As a parent,ContinueContinue reading “Let them go”