
This week my family and I spent the week with my mom at her place in Florida. My dad and her bought it October 2016 and December 2016 he was diagnosed with Melanoma…and they never went back.

They spent one month down their together and this was my moms first time back. They had worked so hard, finally retired and was finally able to buy a place in Florida! They were so excited and had so many plans…but they were their plans…not Gods plans.

While down their we continued to ask “why God? Why couldn’t have dad had more time down here?” When he talked about retirement, all he would talk about was Florida. 😢

There are so many times in our lives that we ask “why God?” And does God ever answer us? The good news- He does! he answers us! God has a reason for EVERYTHING! We have to trust him! Trust that He has a reason for even the smallest detail!

Even though I do not know why God took my dad, I will continue to trust Him! It’s hard! It. Is. Hard. 💔

I would have LOVED to see my dad in his Florida place, but I didn’t and it will be okay. I had tears, my mom had many tears, but our family was their for her and I am so glad I was able to go with her and support her in this.

The thing that keeps me going is believing that someday I will see my dad again in Heaven. And he was a blessing to me while he was here on earth. But this is not our home, not our eternal home, that will be with God.

There is even a blessing in this…

Published by christyjo555

Hi friends! My name is Christy and I am a Christian, working mom of 3 and happily married to my high school sweetheart. I love my job however I love my kids more! I want to encourage other working moms(and every mom) to stay positive and look for those blessings everytime! If you'd like to Contact me please email me:

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