Working from home??

Right now I am currently contemplating taking a role, within our company, working from home. But I never have worked from home, I have always worked outside the home, and honestly it seems too good to be true. I mean stay in my sweat pants, hair in a messy bun and no makeup – woohoo!! What more could I ask for? There has to be a downside right? Right?

After doing some research, I found a lot of articles where this type of set up works really well for a lot of people! They love the flexibility, no commuting, no office politics to worry about, less sick days, and better work-life balance! This last one, the work-life balance, along with flexibility, is my main reason for looking into this option. Being more available to be at home when my kids get on and off the bus, is huge! Huge! Them knowing I’ll be there, gives the security and comfort, but also if I’m working, they’ll get some independence as well.

However, for others, working from home doesn’t work so well. They may feel isolated and have a hard time separating work and home. Some said that they felt the need to always work and maybe even greater expectations, if you’re working from home.

Whether you work from home or at an office, there are always advantages and disadvantages to every situation and YOU have to figure out what works best for you and your family! My dad always taught me, that when making a decision, take time to write down the pros and cons for each side. This is a great way to get a full picture of the situation your in and even just writing it down, you are expressing your thoughts and it helps when reflecting on it later.

So we’ll see…stay at the office or work from home??

Published by christyjo555

Hi friends! My name is Christy and I am a Christian, working mom of 3 and happily married to my high school sweetheart. I love my job however I love my kids more! I want to encourage other working moms(and every mom) to stay positive and look for those blessings everytime! If you'd like to Contact me please email me:

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